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How to store milk in breast milk bags

Published by Peter Luo 2022-04-07

Many mothers have to go to work after taking maternity leave. If the baby is replaced by milk powder, it's okay, don't worry about the baby's rations. But now there are more breastmilk substitutes. Mommy has to suck out the breast milk in advance with a breast pump, store it in a breast milk bag, and feed it to the baby when Mommy is away. How to store the milk in breast milk bags?

breast milk pouches

1. Storage method. The length of time that breast milk can be stored is related to the way it is stored. Breast milk pouches are best stored in a separate freezer compartment of the refrigerator, so that they can be stored for a relatively long time, which can be stored for about three months without deterioration. If it is placed in the micro-freezer, store it at most one, and do not feed the baby the next day.

2. Defrosting method. When feeding frozen breast milk to a baby, the breast milk must be thawed first. Be sure to rinse with cold water first, then slowly add it to hot water to thaw, and change the water several times until the breast milk reaches the temperature suitable for the baby. Do not directly add boiling water to heat, which will destroy the quality of breast milk.

breast milk pouches

3. Storage container. Breast milk pouches are more suitable for micro-frozen storage, if you need to freeze storage, it is best to choose a glass container suitable for freezing. Frozen storage has relatively high requirements for containers, and must be glass containers with good airtightness and sterilization.

If Mommy can go home every day, it is best not to drink breast milk that has been frozen for a long time. You can slightly freeze it at work, enough for the baby to drink for a day. Feed your baby fresh breast milk when you get home from get off work.

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