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What is the way to store breast milk in breast milk storage bags?

Published by Peter Luo 2022-04-07

Many working women need to work outside during breastfeeding, but they want to insist on breastfeeding, so they face the problem of storing breast milk. Working mothers want to master scientific methods of breast milk preservation, so they must understand how the breast milk preservation temperature is appropriate? Which breast milk storage bags should I use?


breast milk storage bags


Breast milk preservation method:

1. Selection of appliances

Breast milk storage containers are best to use plastic products that are suitable for freezing and well-sealed, such as plastic milk bottles; followed by glass products, such as glass milk bottles. Please note that it is best not to store breast milk with metal products, because breast milk is rich in active factors, which will attach to metals, thereby reducing the nutrients in breast milk.

In addition, a kind of fresh-keeping bag specially used for breast milk preservation is now available on the market, that is, breast milk storage bag, mothers can also use the breast milk fresh-keeping bag to store breast milk.

2. Sucking milk

Even if they are busy, mothers must ensure that they suck milk every 3 hours, which can effectively prevent milk swelling and the reduction of lactation, so that breastfeeding can continue better. In addition, you must post the milking date and time on the outside of the container after sucking the milk, so that you can clearly know the shelf life of breast milk, so as to avoid uncleanness and expiration, which will cause bacteria to grow and eat your baby.


breast milk storage bags


3. Storage

It should be noted that the breast milk storage bag for breast milk should not be too full to prevent freezing and rupture. It is best to divide breast milk into small portions (60-120ml) and freeze or refrigerate, so that family members or nanny can feed according to the baby's food intake without wasting, and label and record the date.

4. Defrost

When thawing frozen breast milk, you should first rinse the breast milk storage bag with cold water, and gradually add hot water until the breast milk is completely thawed and rises to a temperature suitable for feeding, or placed in the refrigerator to slowly defrost and de-ice. Do not heat breast milk directly with a stove or microwave, as this will destroy the nutrients in breast milk. After thawing, pour it directly into the bottle to feed the baby. Defrosted breast milk must be eaten within 24 hours and cannot be frozen again.

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